Sunday, April 11, 2010

Number 16 Joins Cluff Clan

Cove made eye contact with Grandpa as if to say, "Yea, I know this old guy!"

Blessed Little Boy with Two Wondeful Parents

Proud Daddy
Katy Alene and Curtis Lee blessed us with our sixteenth grandchild.  Way before his due date, I gave my "Special Time Speech".  I have shared it with every pregnant daughter.  It goes something like this.  "This is a special time for you and your husband.  It will not hurt my feelings if I am not there.  Just let me know when you go in and call when you want us to come."  They have wanted me present at the birth of every one of my daughter's births.  It has been faith promoting and very humbling.  Walt laughs and teases about this fact, because he has said about my births, that he and the doctor were lucky to be there.  He likes to remind me of the time when the doctor did not have anything else to do, so he sat by my bed and read a newspaper.  I asked him to leave until it was time to check me again.  Then there was the time a janitor was mopping the floor near my room and I asked Walt to run him off.  I do not like to be around people when I am in pain.  I like to find a personal cave somewhere all by myself.  Times have changed.  Katy was dialated to a nine for over 2 hrs.  TWO HOURS.  The doctor left to do a c-section.  Little Cove came out looking like his head had been in a pencil sharpener.  That would have never happened in old days.  Doctors stuck around to finish the job.  Perhaps it was due to the screaming or the husband pleading to end the pain of his wife's embedded fingernails in his hand.  I am thankful that it is easier getting babies into the world now days.  I would not wish my birthing experience on my worst enemy.  Cove Jon Lee is and will be a delight to this baby hungry Cluff Clan.
Grandpa & Granny Penny are soooooo happy


HeidiT said...

He's so adorable! I love all of the pics of him with his grandma and grandpa -- you can see all of the love you guys have for him.


he is really cute. And can I just say that you are so beautiful? In all these pictures on your blog of you- you are just so beautiful.

katy said...

You need to copy these pics for me. I love that one of you and Dad.