Thursday, April 15, 2010

My name is Penny and I am a Weight Watcher Drop Out

I decided to start attending Weight Watchers.   When I joined previously, a lady who has known me for years, did the intake and paper work.  When the meeting started, the leader asked for those who were new to introduce themselves, and said, "and this is one of our Lifetime members back with us".  I said "My name is Penny and I am a Weight Watcher drop out."  I am no where near goal, but later I found out that the lady who knew me, had assumed the weight I have sloooooooowly lost over the last nine years was due to Weight Watchers.  She had put Lifetime on my papers.  My weight had slowly been creeping back since last year when my only sister had a massive stroke, my baby got married,  my position with the health department ended in July, I was released from Stake RS in October, my husband's business began suffering from economic down turn,  our commercial building tenant went out of business,  Walt decided to put our house up for sale, and my friend who usually exercises with me and keeps my dietary head straight has had other more important things to do.  I had the 911 alert go off in my brain that I needed inspiration and support.  I got the inspiration today when I learned 87% Lifetime members keep their weight off.  I was sitting by a lady who told me the reason she and her daughter joined today was that everyone they know who has ever kept off lost weight belonged to Weight Watchers.  I called my friend Ann Merkley, who lives in Salt Lake, to see if she had considered joining WW.  I left a message.  She called right back and said she is on board.  She had joined with her husband and was not feeling the support she had hoped for.   We are going to go for our Lifetime. When we get there, we are going to reward ourselves with a trip . No more dropping out for me.  I am in it for the long haul.  Lifetime here I come!


Sharon/Mom/ Grandma said...

Good for you!!! You will make it because your head is in the right place!!! Make sure you do your 6 weeks of maintenance so that you will know how and what you can do!!! Since you have Ann, your success rate goes up!!! I'm glad you have her!! love you!


that's awesome! Good for you!

katy said...

Good luck Mom. But just so you know. I think you look like you are a very healthy weight and I think you look beautiful. I think you have done a really good job staying fit the past few years.