Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Arlene Park Arnold/Sister Get-Together -Tradition

I talked with a man last week who just returned from visiting his daughter in England.  He said they have seen her FOUR TIMES IN THIRTEEN YEARS!  I was stunned.  Sometimes I forget how blessed I am.  In a world where families are scattered, and some try to avoid each other, it is a blessing that our family gets together often.  My daughters try to get together at least once a week.  It is a tradition my mother and her sisters faithfully kept.  They got together every week for over 45 years.  They gathered at their mother's home, did her hair, and had a quilt on or brought different projects to work on.  Grandma had never learned to drive a car, so her Hibbard Idaho home was where they always met.   After Grandma Park passed away, their brother said his sisters changed from Grandma's house to going to a "feed lot".  This was a funny farm term he used for the "formerly heifers, now old cows" eating at a buffet in Rexburg.  Their brother Elmer, the youngest of the brood  who had attached this phrase to them,  was invited if he wanted.   After Belva, the oldest sister had a stroke, they continued to get together, but in her room at the care facility.   When she passed away, it was changed to garage sales on Saturday mornings, followed by eating out.  I remember one time, I was visiting mother for a few days.  Mother invited me to go along on the sister's garage sale Saturday.  Aunt Wanda, Ruth, and Mother went to a ton of garage sales that morning.  As Mother and I were on our way home, I told her how amazed I was that they had been able to go to that many sales in one morning.  I can still her slow Park drawl in her direct-forth-right manner say, "Well, we usually go to a lot more.  Having you along really slowed us down."  I pray my daughters and then their daughters continue this precious remarkable tradition.


katy said...

We will continue the tradition. You know family is everything to us now. There is nothing like a sister. Funny that not only the tradition of hanging out once a week got passed on but also the tradition of buying used crap. Since blogging I have realized, yard sales and thrift stores are something all of us Arnold girls have in common. I think we were trying to figure out where it came from once. I remember the first thing I ever got at a yard sale. You took Natalie and I to Rexburg to visit Grandma. We went yard selling and Grandma gave us each $2 to spend. I bought these baby pajamas for my doll. I think I still have them too.

Kristi M. said...

I love what Katy said about the Arnold yardsales thing. That made me laugh because it is so true among all of us. Definately something that has connected all of us. There is nothing like sisters and having them close by.