Friday, August 28, 2009

First Personal Experience with Going Green

After today's dishwasher repair experience, I am rephrasing "going green" to "green going" out of my pocket. After paying the repairman $95 to get my dishwasher back to efficiency, I asked what all that white gunk was from he removed from the filter. He explained that since the new "Go Green" Federal guidelines, the manufacturers of dishwasher detergent are slowly removing phosphorous. Some have already removed it. He explained that phosphorous it what keeps hard water softened, keeps glass shining, and most important, keeps calcium from building up on your filters. He showed me a little number on the detergent container that starts with a P or a Z. If the number has a Z there is no phosphorous in it, and he added no strong efficient cleaning power. According to him, liquid auto- dish detergent is the lowest phosphorous content, and usually granulate has the highest "for now". He suggested applying a strong phosphate treatment a couple of times a year, or you will have a green going experience like I had. He went on to say that since the new cap and trade guidelines, efficiency will be so low, the manufactures are worried that the public will think it is their fault, but in fact it will be due to gov regulation. The water tubs will be smaller, the rinse cycles not as long. He attends repair schools for all the main appliance manufacturers, it will affect them all, not just dishwashers. I won't bore you with the info he shared on frigs. Hold on to your pocket book, here it comes ...Going Green or shall I say your green going. Of course, we must be fair, I am sure it will eventually make sense like the guideline to take lead out of road paint making it so the lines fade within just a few months. It has saved the lives of those who get their nutrient from licking the lines on the road. Oops, I guess though to be really fair, I need to factor in the lives that have been lost due to not being able to tell where the lines on a road are. Silly me, what was I thinking.


Kristi M. said...

Licking the lines on the that was pretty funny. Sometimes I wonder about this going green thing. I totally agree in a lot of things like reusable grocery bags. Love those things and they are stronger and hold more anyway. But some of these things kill me. I am hanging on to my older fridge and am going to check my phosphorus levels now. Quite interesting.

HeidiT said...

SOOOO interesting -- I will have to keep an eye out for the levels. It seems like a lot of things are becoming less bang for your buck these days.