Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mighty Cluff Hunters

When Walt and I were dating and discussing marriage, I timidly revealed to him that I had a $400 loan I had taken out in order to get through with BYU that spring. He then "revealed" to me that he really loved hunting. He was an avid outdoorsman and he asked if I would support him in this endeavor. Oh, I can support that "hobby". All I can say is he got off pretty easy with that loan repay. I have been paying for the "hunt support" promise many years. I was CLUELESS. Now we have an entire family of mighty hunters and my support has been been multiplied a hundred fold.

Our son Brandon's son, Jade got a nice four point with his bow just before dusk. He was pretty proud. It is his first "big one". I was the cook for the crew of hunters until we came down late Saturday night. I should say Sunday a.m. Walt got about five hours of sleep before he made it to Bishopic meeting at 6 a.m. It was quite a thrilling night for the mighty Cluff hunter.


Kristi M. said...

Your post looks so good! Great job! The picture and everything looks great. The more you do it, the better you will get. Jade is getting so old. Weird how that happens when you haven't seen them in so long. The last time I saw Brandon's kids was when my dad retired 4 years ago.

grandma wendy said...

Those guys look pretty happy to me. Nothing like the "hunter/gatherer" instinct!

Mindy said...

I love your blog! I can't wait to see more of what everyone there is up to. Tell those kids of yours to start a blog too!