Monday, August 24, 2009

The Mother of all Composters

I was raised on a farm. When you made garbage, it went to a barrel and eventually burned. The crops were turned under every fall, manure was piled high and then distributed for a few smelly days a year. I don't know where along the way I lost my value to compost. During the years, I have sent enough organic waste down the garbage disposal to fertilize a football field many times over. I know, you "save the planet" people are thinking what a shame. One day last spring I made mention to Walt that I would like to compost the debris I removed from our yard every fall and spring. Wow, I had no idea what key I had turned in honor of composters every where. He began to plan and then build the mother of all composters. He recycled a pressure tank that came from a water well repair he had done several years ago. He put mechanisms inside to turn the compost. It works great and after he painted it dark green, it even looks like it belongs in our back yard. Sometimes, I am amazed at what this man of mine can figure out and build. I have a mechanical disability, according to my family, I cannot open a box of cereal the right way.


Kristi M. said...

I love the home grown compost. We got a compost bin last year from craigslist and love it. Our raspberries loved the compost this year. It is also fun and really rewarding to see the food scraps go there. Gunnar loves to take it out with Jeff.

Mindy said...

That is great! I have been wanting to find a compost device. I feel guilty everytime I through something away that could have been composted instead.